Moxif (Moxifloxacin HCL) - 400mg (5 Tablets)

Moxif (Moxifloxacin HCL) - 400mg (5 Tablets) P1Moxif (Moxifloxacin HCL) - 400mg (5 Tablets) P2
  • Moxif (Moxifloxacin HCL) - 400mg (5 Tablets) P1
  • Moxif (Moxifloxacin HCL) - 400mg (5 Tablets) P2

Moxif Prices

Quantity Price
1-1 Items $ 17.20
2-3 Items $ 16.64
4-5 Items $ 16.08
6+ Items $ 15.52

Quantity :

  • General Info
  • How To Use
  • Dosage
  • Side effects
  • Precautions

Brand Name : Moxif

Generic Name: Moxifloxacin |

Manufacturer : Torrent

About Moxif: Moxif (Moxifloxacin HCL) - 400mg belongs to the quinolone group of antibiotics and is used to treat bacterial infections. It is commonly used to treat respiratory systems infections e.g. pneumonia and bronchitis, skin infections, abdominal infections, female urinary tract infection, eye infections among other conditions. The 400mg moxifloxacin works by hindering the enzymes responsible for DNA processes and effectively prevents replication of the bacteria DNA. It cannot be used to remedy viral infections like the common cold and flu hence should not be used for these purposes.

How to use Moxif

This drug is taken orally with or without food. It is important to take the dosage as recommended by the doctor which will depend on your specific bacterial infection. Similarly, you can follow the instructions printed on the label. Swallow with a glass of water and do not chew or break the tablet. Take the medicine 4 to 8 hours before taking mineral or vitamins supplements and avoid products with aluminum or magnesium like antacids. These metals will bind with the components in Moxif tablets and reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

Moxif Dosage

The usual dose is one pill taken once per day. The doctor or pharmacist can however prescribe a different dosage after assessing your situation and coming up with a diagnosis. How you respond to treatment can also influence the doctor to adjust the dose. Take the prescribed dosage until all the tablets are finished. Do not discontinue medication before finishing the dosage because the bacteria will develop tolerance to the drug and render the medicine ineffective. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember and do not take more than the required dose.

Moxif Side Effects

Just like with all other drugs, Moxif Moxiflocaxin 400mg tablets can cause the patient to experience some side effects. These include fatigue, nervousness, feeling ill and lethargic, memory problems, a spinning sensation, difficult bowel movements, gas and bloating, sleepiness, hearing loss, insomnia, blurry vision and itchiness in female genitals. If these side effects do not improve or get worse, contact your doctor.

Moxif Precautions

Tell the doctor of any allergies and discontinue use if you experience an allergic reaction. The physician should also know of any medicine, herbs or supplements that you are taking. Moxif tablets interact with metals in supplements and medicine such as magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium and aluminum because they reduce the HCL in the active ingredient. Take the medication until the end of the dosage and not beyond because you can develop oral thrush or a new vaginal yeast infection. Tobacco, alcohol, certain foods and medicines do not react well with Moxif and you should inform the doctor of any of these.